The Office of the Commissioner of Public Health and Medical Education, Madhya Pradesh, has announced the postponement of the scheduled choice filling and locking for the second round of MP State Combined Counselling NEET PG 2024. This decision has been made due to technical reasons.
The choice filling, which was initially set to commence on January 23, 2025, will now be rescheduled. The new date will be announced soon. All participating candidates are advised to stay updated by regularly visiting the DME website and the MP Online Portal.
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Harsh is a dedicated medical education updates announcer, specializing in delivering accurate and timely information about fees, counseling schedules, admission processes, and cutoff trends for medical and allied health courses. With a passion for simplifying complex procedures, we ensure students and parents stay informed and confident during crucial admission phases. Through consistent updates, We aim to empower aspiring healthcare professionals with clarity and guidance.