The Madhya Pradesh High Court has temporarily halted the second phase of the NEET PG 2024 counselling seat allocation. A division bench of Justice SA Dharmadhikari and Justice Anuradha Shukla directed the Director of Medical Education (DME) to reopen the registration portal for the petitioning doctors, allowing them to be included in the counselling process. The court also issued a notice to the Principal Secretary of the Public Health and Medical Education Department of Madhya Pradesh and the DME, asking for a response within two weeks.
The petition was filed by Dr. Ayush Srivastava and 14 other doctors, who sought to stop the NEET PG seat allocation process. Earlier, on January 4, the NEET PG qualifying percentile was reduced, now set to 15 for general and EWS candidates and 10 for reserved categories. The revision has made several additional candidates eligible for counselling.
Note: The official notice states, “As per the decision taken by MoHFW in consultation with NMC, the percentile for NEET PG counselling 2024 has been lowered.