The Supreme Court said on Friday that medical seats should not go to waste when the country needs more doctors. A bench of Justices B R Gavai and K V Viswanathan told the authorities to hold fresh counselling to fill the empty seats. The court asked for the special counselling to be done and the admission process completed by December 30.
“We are giving one last chance to extend the time because the country needs doctors and the seats should not be wasted,” the bench said.
This decision came after some people requested more counselling rounds for the remaining empty seats, even after five rounds had already happened. The National Medical Council agreed that the period could be extended this time but not as a rule for the future.
The court ordered the authorities to hold fresh counselling and finish admissions by December 30, 2024.
For NEET UG counselling 2024, the bench ruled that no college is allowed to admit students directly. All admissions must be carried out by the state admission authorities.
“The stray or special admission process will not affect admissions that have already been finalized. New admissions will only be made from the waitlisted candidates,” the bench stated while closing the pleas.